The Challenge

Bethany was spending her days as a dentist feeling demoralised by the frequency with which she was fixing tooth decay in children.  She enjoyed educating patients about oral hygiene, but not breaking the bad news to them about problems.

Alongside her professional dentistry work Bethany also enjoyed running a small business in children’s entertainment – a job she crafted during her university days that she loved too much to part with.

When Covid lockdowns hit in 2020, Bethany seized the opportunity of the slower pace and time at home to reassess her priorities and interests.  She soon realised her dentistry passion lay in prevention and education.

This, combined with her background in and enthusiasm for children’s’ entertainment, turned into a lightbulb moment for Bethany – use entertainment to educate young children about preventative oral care practices.

Bethany knew this was a great idea, but she also knew that for it to be successful she had lots to consider and was keen to start off on the right foot.  She was determined to invest the time and resources required to learn, and to develop a strong foundation for this business.



Support to navigate hurdles and challenges with more ease and speed.

A coach's focus on each stage of business development

Different perspectives to help navigate roadblocks before they happen.

Invaluable business insights based on prior experience.

The Turning point

After meeting Angela at a business conference in 2019 Bethany knew she was aligned with Angela’s way of working, but also knew it wasn’t the quite the right time to work with Angela, only having her entertainment business at the time.

She did however, become an avid podcast listener.  As she listened she heard guest, after guest, share how their biggest regret in their business journey was not getting a coach sooner.

So as soon as she developed the idea for Dr Bethany’s Tooth Tales Bethany knew it was time to jump onboard with Angela.

There will always be hurdles, challenges and ups and downs in business, but Bethany knew that starting on the right foot, with support in her corner, would help her to navigate these more easily and speedily.  She enlisted Angela to help with all the blind spots and build her ‘brick foundations’, because as she shared in a podcast with Angela “you don’t know what you don’t know”.

Bethany knew from running a business previously that starting a fresh would be a challenge and wanted the support to build a strong business model and the guidance to navigate and spot potential problems early.  Having the support and guidance of someone who’s successfully built multiple businesses and who could look at things with a caring, yet objective eye, was invaluable to Bethany.

The Solution

With starting from scratch on a new business idea Bethany knew that 6 months of 1:1 coaching with Angela was the best fit for supporting intensive business growth.  The benefit of working like this with Angela meant focused eyes on each stage of her business development and provided intensive support during the launch and marketing period.

Angela helped Bethany to flesh out and develop her business ideas, strategy and delivery – spending months building that brick foundation before even launching.  Together they were able to foresee and prevent some roadblocks and navigate other challenges in a prepared way.  Having Angela’s support and guidance through set up and launch was invaluable to Bethany in achieving fast results.  It also gave her a different perspective to consider options, and business decisions she would have never thought of otherwise as well as helping her to feel like an authority in her field from Day 1.

Bethany has acknowledged that the financial investment of working with a coach like Angela so early on in her business was greater than it would have cost her to launch solo – but the time and energy  it saved her, and the potential mistakes she avoided, has been invaluable.  She feels she wouldn’t be at the same stage of success in the business now, without the support, guidance and insights provided by Angela in their coaching sessions.

The Result


Five months into their six month 1:1 program Bethany shared some of her early results in a podcast interview with Angela.  At this time, Bethany was 7 weeks into her launch and already had 17 bookings for Dental Health Week and had generated a whopping $18,200 in revenue over this time.

In 5 months, she developed from ground zero – 0 sales, 0 leads, 0 email list – to a successful launch and fast revenue.

This is to be attributed to Bethany’s skills, business idea and hard work; as well as the guidance and support she received from Angela to start things off on the right foot.

Bethany acknowledges that she would always have eventually ended up with a business coach or consultant at some stage, so why not start right and do it from the beginning….and the results of this decision speak for themselves!

Starting coaching in the early days of business helped to build strong foundations

Bethany knew she had a great business idea, but she also knew that for it to be successful she had lots to consider and a strong foundation to build. She was determined to invest the time and resources to learn and develop a strong foundation for this business and couldn't think of anyone better for the role than Angela Henderson.

Bethany Fisher

Dr Bethany's Tooth Tales

Are you ready to create a business with brick foundations? Want to have a launch like Bethany?

Ready to uplevel and transform your business to make more money (hell yes to 5+ figure months!), reach more people and enjoy more family time?

Find out more about my 1:1 Private Small Business Consulting to get my eyes on your business and fast track to your next level!