The Challenge

Steph’s business has gone through many iterations and pivots throughout its journey from subscription box sales to launch education, a journey which Steph reflected on in a podcast interview with Angela in 2020.  Recently, she moved from  offering marketing support for clients to specialising in teaching DIY launch strategy to small businesses. In doing so, Steph has positioned herself as a specialist expert and garnered greater success.  She attributes her risk taking, pivoting and failures along the way as part of paving her way to success.

Steph had followed Angela and been business friends for almost a year before working with Angela.  She called on Angela for a strategy session after making these shifts in her business and with big dreams for 2020.  Steph was looking for some support to check and achieve her goals.

Steph was hesitant for some time about working with another business coach after been deflated by someone previously who underdelivered and didn’t offer support.

However, she knew Angela and how knowledgeable and experienced she was, so when it was time to level up she called on Angela to support her to do so quicker and better.

Straight talk, and no fluff

Affirmation of product, skills and goals

Practical strategy and tools to move forward in business

Mindset support and celebration of the wins

The Turning point

A big part of why Steph employed Angela’s services was to get affirmation about her goals – a big one of which was $300,000 revenue for 2020, and to sense check that these goals were realistic and achievable.

With Ange’s support they then strategized the nitty gritty details of how to make changes in Steph’s business to make it happen.  After a dinner strategy session, Steph walked away with clear goals, confidence, and an action plan to succeed.

The Solution

In working with Angela, Steph loved that Angela gets straight to the point and doesn’t include fluff.  She also recognised and valued Ange’s investment and experience in the US and Australian markets and sought to draw on this knowledge to support her own international growth and develop new business ideas and strategies together.

Feeling supported, and having got clear on goals and strategy, Steph took calculated risks with developing and promoting an evergreen product in a pandemic scared market.  With the help of Ange, and a lot of work, Steph also continued to work on her mindset and shifting limiting beliefs about her products failing, and her not being worthy of financial success.

The Result

After working with Angela and taking bold and focused action – Steph outdid all their hopes and expectations and was able to sell that little evergreen product and generate her yearlong revenue goal in the 4 weeks of April alone.

Steph encourages other business owners to focus on building a positive mindset for success, and to invest in themselves – with the likes of a coach such as Angela.  She believes that when you invest in yourself it helps your mindset and taking action as you start to back yourself more.

Steph is now looking forward to working with Angela again in the future on some new product ideas, and to streamline processes as she scales her business for even greater success.

Investing in yourself to level up

When you take bold action, a positive mindset and invest in supporting you and your business growth - the universe has your back and helps create success.

Steph Taylor

- Steph Taylor

Are you wanting to invest in yourself more? Take some action like Steph did in hiring Angela as her business consultant.

Ready to uplevel and transform your business to make more money (hell yes to 5+ figure months!), reach more people and enjoy more family time?

Find out more about my 1:1 Private Small Business Consulting to get my eyes on your business and fast track to your next level!

VIP Coaching Days and 1:1 2hr Strategy Sessions are also available.