The Challenge

Tracy’s business before working with Angela was successful, but small, and she struggled with the haphazard nature of its turnover month-to-month.  Tracy knew that she needed to make some changes, but was scattered and unclear in how to do so.

As she considered working with a business consultant, Tracy was faced with fear and uncertainty as up until this time, she had ‘figured out’ business and never really invested in herself.  She knew it was time though if she wanted financial stability, clarity in her goals and to give back more to the schools and family’s in Mexico that she offers charitable support to.

As she embarked on working with Angela, Tracy realised that she not only didn’t know how to reach her next level in business, she lacked a clear direction and any tangible financial goals.

Clarity on goals and prioritising ideas

Help to build strong business foundations

Support and guidance to stay on track

The Turning point

It took a number of months after first meeting Angela at the Women’s Business Summit before Tracy decided to ‘bite the bullet’ and bring on Angela for support.

Despite Tracy’s trepidation about investing big in herself and business, Angela helped reassure her that she was certain she could help Tracy with mindset, achieving her dreams and setting and reaching some big financial targets.  And she delivered.

Tracy realised quickly as she started with Angela, that her “fly by the seat of my pants” approach to business wasn’t serving her anymore and they set to work on establishing clear goals and building strong business foundations.

The Solution

Angela helped Tracy to backtrack and build a solid base and foundation to her business and, as Covid hit, develop online products to thrive through the pandemic.  They focused on getting clear and consistent on the basics such as messaging, funnels and clear offers.  They started to advertise and Angela supported Tracy through learning and using Facebook advertising for the first time.  Tracy loved that Angela was accessible to bounce ideas off, get clarification and garner support and guidance from when needed.

From these foundations, Tracy then repurposed some of her previous content and created a small online product, selling for $27.  They added a funnel with a $7 upsell and one-time-offer upsell of a $77 course.

The Result

During 2020, Tracy’s little $27 product outperformed her expectations and generated over $700,000 in a 4 month period.  By getting clear and confident in business, and gaining some new ideas and perspectives in how to use her content, Tracy was able to help over 14000 people develop their creativity, pay off her mortgage from the profits earnt, and help even more families in Mexico.

With Angela’s support Tracy was able to dream big, get results and make a big difference in the world.  She attributes Angela’s support and guidance to build foundations, stay on track and focus on your goals as helping with this next level success.

Investing in yourself to level up

Just like Tracy, when you take bold action, a positive mindset and invest in supporting you and your business growth - the universe has your back and helps create success.

Tracy Verdugo

- Tracy Verdugo

Are you wanting to invest in yourself more? Do you want big results from your products like Tracy?

Ready to uplevel and transform your business to make more money (hell yes to 5+ figure months!), reach more people and enjoy more family time?

Find out more about my 1:1 Private Small Business Consulting to get my eyes on your business and fast track to your next level!