Got a niggling feeling you’ve taken your business as far as you can on your own?

Grow your business to the next level with a mix of community, accountability, and 1:1 support in the Action Takers Mastermind Business Group for Women with Angela Henderson



Let’s be honest... growing your business is
freaking hard work

There are 1003 ‘little tasks’ you need to keep track of already got in motion.

Clarity (about what you should offer and how you should spend your time) is hard to come by.

And, while you can imagine a bigger picture in your head, it feels like you need three of you just to stay on top of everything you’ve already got in motion.

This doesn’t mean you’ve given up on the idea, of course (that’s totally NOT your style) but the things you’ve tried so far just aren’t working...

And it’s starting to wear thin.

You’ve learned — the hard way — that:

  • Google is nothing more than a series of rabbit holes

  • And now you’re here, you’re looking around and wondering what’s next.

  • A lot of online courses aren’t worth the pixels they’re printed on

  • Looking to your small biz heroes for inspiration is more likely to lead you to imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and comparisonitis than to your next brilliant idea

In other words, you’ve got as far as you can on your own

And now you’re here, you’re looking around and wondering what’s next.

Mastermind for Business with Angela Henderson

Hey Amazing Business Owner? Congrats!

  • You’ve made it to the level where you need community to help you think bigger.

  • Strategy to plan what’s ahead.

  • And accountability to help you execute.

In other words, you need a business mastermind group.

Which means it’s time for you to meet the…

Action Takers Mastermind for Women with Angela Henderson

A 12 month online + in-person experience designed to get your business to the next level  — whatever that looks like for you



Here's a peek at what's possible inside

Nicola Rivett - Kids Eye Gear

After stalking Angela Henderson on her blog, podcast and then her retreat, I finally took the plunge and signed up for her Mastermind program. It was the best decision and best investment I’ve made in my business to date. Angela not only has a direct and no ‘bullshit’ approach (which I love) but she is also an incredibly caring human being, who genuinely wants to see her clients succeed. She will push you as much as you need but also takes the time to ensure your mindset is heading in the right direction. Having someone with a different perspective on your business and its possibilities has been absolutely invaluable. Not only did the Mastermind include Angela’s expertise but it also enabled me to connect with the other women in the group. As a solopreneur this connection was extremely valuable from a business and personal perspective. Thank you so much Angela for an incredibly
successful Mastermind!

Nicola Rivett - Kids Eye Gear

These women aren't any different to you, by the way

They don’t have more skill or more talent or more luck.

They just cottoned on to the fact that you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with, and surrounding yourself with people who are a step or three ahead of you is the most effective way to cut the entrepreneurial learning curve in half.

That’s the difference. And this is your chance to follow suit.

Because as soon as you join Action Takers Women's Mastermind Group, you get:

  • Clarity on where to put your focus

  • Genuine information on what’s possible, what works, and what’s a waste of time

  • Helpful feedback on your ideas

  • Perspective on your skills and talents

  • Introductions to new clients and leg-ups to new opportunities

  • Access to a community of people who understand and care about what you do

Sound like what you need to take your business to the next level?


Here’s the nuts and bolts of what you get when you join the Action Takers Mastermind

(Psst… even though the incredible women who were part of Action Takers earlier this year told me they were blown away by how ‘seen’ they felt inside, I’ve added some additional 1:1 time into the mix, purely because I think it will help YOU get more out of the experience.)

Applications are open year round - spaces are limited to keep group intimate

1 X 60 Minute Planning Session

1 X 60 Minute Planning Session

As soon as you join the mastermind, you'll sit down with Angela to personally audit your business to uncover what's working and what's not. Together you'll craft your yearly, quarterly and monthly goals to get the clarity you need to ensure you kick ass for the year!

11 x 30-minute 1:1 Strategy Sessions

11 x 30-minute 1:1 Strategy Sessions

For the additional 11 months of the year, you'll get 1 X 30 minute session with me to sit down together on Zoom, look at your goals for the year ahead, and map out specific tasks and actions to get you from here to there.

3 x Hot Seat Calls <br /> each month

3 x Hot Seat Calls
each month

Where you talk about your current challenge with the group and get everyone’s help on finding - and executing! - a way forward. The cool thing about hot seats is you often learn just as much by listening to (and helping out with) everyone else’s questions as you do when you get support on your own.

2 X 1-Day Live In Person Events

2 X 1-Day Live In Person Events

Where you get to connect with the other Action Takers members (but also clients from my other programs too) in real life to solidify your connections, get inspired, and be pushed out of your comfort zone (which, fyi, is where the best growth happens). In 2023, these event days will be held in Gold Coast and Bali. (Travel restrictions dependant)

Year-round Access to the Business Vault

Year-round Access to the Business Vault

AKA a carefully curated resource library where you’ll find workshops, templates, and how-to’s on everything from list-building to outsourcing, SEO, and financial planning. Basically, if you need it to G.R.O.W your business, you’ll find it here including access to all my small programs, workshop recordings, live events and workshops throughout the year, templates and more

4x Business Energy Clearings

4x Business Energy Clearings

Clear out out energies and make way for higher vibrations to help you attract money, magnetism and momentum in your business with some mini energy clearings for you and your business.

Monthly Live Mindset Coaching

Monthly Live Mindset Coaching

Strategy is just part of growing your business. Another key ingredient to growth is a strong mindset. Why? Your external world is a direct reflection of your internal world and we must work on developing a strong mindset. Every month - you'll join a live mindset coaching call so we can work on breaking through your beliefs, stories etc that are holding you back.

3 Months Unlimited Online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation

3 Months Unlimited Online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation

Don't let your health become the last priority during your business growth. You'll receive 3 months access to MerryBody Online Studio. MerryBody combines Yoga, Pilates and Meditation to help you strength both mind and body.

Monthly & Quarterly Goal-Setting Sessions

Monthly & Quarterly Goal-Setting Sessions

Every month, we’ll sit down on Zoom together to get clear on what you need to do to hit your specific goals in the next 30 days. You’ll walk away with focus, accountability, and momentum… aka a game plan that lets you leave all those shiny objects behind. In addition, we'll also have an hour each quarter to review, reflect and plan your next quarter ahead.

Monthly Workshops with Guest Experts

Monthly Workshops with Guest Experts

So you can learn directly from the best. Fact is, I can only bring so much to the table, and I want to make sure the gaps in my knowledge are filled by people who are at the top of their game.

12 Months Access to our Private VIP Community

12 Months Access to our Private VIP Community

Which is open 24/7 for ideas, advice, feedback, and support. Because the group is so intimate, and we spend so much time together live, the support you get in here is priceless.

Personalised Human Design Chart

Personalised Human Design Chart

Get a deeper understanding of how your mind works and your preferences with a detailed and personalised Human Design chart to help you perform in your optimal way and a recorded training session to help you interpret your chart and use your design to benefit you best.

And More!

And More!

Through out the year there will be additional surprises coming your way. Such as Trivia nights, postal surprises and so much more!

Monthly Guest Experts Inside of the Action Takers Mastermind

It's important that I bring you a variety of monthly guest experts that will help you to learn, grow and extend yourself so that you can continue to create the profitable business you want. Check out some of the legends below that have or will be our guest experts inside of the mastermind.
Lisa Corduff
Transformational Coach
James Rose
Automation Strategist
Melissa Lanz
Recurring Revenue Expert
Ryan Thwaites
Google Ads and Google Analytics Expert
Erin C Jones
Human Design Guide and Leadership Coach
Keisha Frazier
Intuitive and Energy Healer
Mon and Alisha
Instagram Strategists
Ryan Carruthers
Membership Expert
Louise O'Reilly
Inclusion and Diversity Coach
Yael Keon
Email Marketing Consultant

Sound like the kind of support you need to kick your goals for the year?


If you haven’t been part of a mastermind group before, you might be wondering how Action Takers compares to other investments you could make to get your business to the next step...

So I made you a table to help

Other Possible Options

How Action Takers with Angela Henderson compares


  • Online courses are great when you’re just getting started and/or need to get a handle on one specific skill.
  • But otherwise? They’re not where you should be investing.
  • There are rarely any live components (which means you have to move through and make sense of the content on your own), little to no accountability, no tight-knit community (given you’re usually one of hundreds) and no easy way to get on-the-fly support.
  • Action Takers with Angela Henderson has all of these components built in, so you get seen, get supported, and make cool shit happen in your business.

A group program

  • Group programs are usually smaller than online courses, and have live components, which is great!
  • But, because they’re usually dedicated to one specific task (e.g. launching a course), what they don’t have is the flexibility to provide you with the support you need as you need it, or to change track when it becomes obvious something isn’t working.
  • As you probably know by now, growing your own business is rarely about moving forward in a straight line—
  • Which is exactly why Action Takers is designed to meet you where you’re at, strategise your unique path forward, and support you through any roadblocks that come up along the way.

1:1 coaching

  • 1:1 coaching can be a really solid investment in your business, so this one’s really a question of fit.
  • The two key differences are that it costs significantly more (I charge $2000 per month for my 1:1 clients), and you don’t get the community element that sits right at the heart of a mastermind.
  • If you haven’t found your people yet, you’ll already know that business is lonely. What you might not know is that there’s real, tangible value that comes with being part of a community of like-minded entrepreneurs.
  • As well as the groupthink element that comes from being in a room with other smart, motivated women (and the ideas and possibilities that creates), there’s also connections (to opportunities) and referrals (to clients or people with relevant platforms).
  • Action Takers is via application only because the group itself is so important and I’m committed to creating a network that benefits everyone inside it.

Another mastermind

  • Not all masterminds are created equal. Some are brilliant, and others…
  • Well, let’s just say I joined a $20K mastermind a couple of years ago, and it was not money well spent.
  • There was no guarantee you’d get to spend any time with the person behind it, and therefore no real chance to get seen and supported in a way that moved your forward.
  • Rest assured that’s NOT the case with Action Takers! I’ve deliberately designed it to offer you dedicated 1:1 support in addition to everything you get from being part of the group.
  • In fact, the women who were part of Action Takers earlier this year told me they were blown away by the number of touch points, and the amount of care…
  • And I’ve added an additional 1:1 strategy session PLUS two emergency calls into the mix this time around, purely because I think it will help YOU get more out of the experience.
  • In other words, Action Takers isn’t transactional (at all)… it’s transformational for you and your business.

Securing your spot (spots are limited to keep things intimate) feeling more and more like the right decision?

Joanna Caravan - Caravan Creative

Working with Ange in her Mastermind program is hands down the best thing I’ve done for my business. In the time I’ve been in the Mastermind, I’ve created my first digital product (and reached my target sales from it in ), relaunched my website, launched a coaching program and grown my email list with quality people who are the exact niche of business folk I’m here to help. Importantly, I’ve been supported by Ange to step forward past my comfort zone and take leaps toward my goals. I now have a clear direction of where I’m going in my business and the confidence to get there. And doing it with a Mastermind group of brilliant business women is a wonderful bonus.

Joanna Caravan - Caravan Creative

Just in case you’re wondering whether Action Takers Mastermind Group is the right fit for you, given where you’re at in your business right now, let me make it clear...

If you’re a woman with an existing business who’s ready to get to the next level (whatever that looks like for you!) but you’re lacking clarity on what that looks like and/or how to get there, you’re in the right place —

Regardless of whether your business is service-based or e-commerce.


The group of women who joined last time were a 60/40 split, and they all got results.

  • Clarity on where to put your focus

  • Helpful feedback on your ideas

  • Perspective on your skills and talents

  • Introductions to new clients and leg-ups to new opportunities

  • Access to a community of people who understand and care about what you do

Still feeling unsure? Give yourself a point
for each of these that apply:

  • You want to grow your business (and this doesn’t necessarily mean you want to devote more time to it — you want more bang for your buck in terms of the results you generate)

  • You keep getting distracted by shiny objects… and there are days you’d give your first born for clarity on what to do now and what to do next

  • You spend more time chasing spur-of-the-moment ideas than sitting down and planning your time strategically

  • When it’s time to make a move on something, you often get paralysed by the fear of it being less than perfect

  • You don’t want to go it alone… and you’re at a point where you need external accountability to keep you moving your big ideas forward

Get 3 or more?

You’re a great fit for Action Takers, and it’s a great fit for you.


Here’s what happens when you hit any of the
pink buttons on this page…

Step 1:
You book in for a 1:1 no-obligation discovery call.

Step 2:
We jump on a call, to make sure it’s the right fit for you and your business

Step 3:
If it is, you make your payment and secure your spot

Step 4:
We get started ASAP. We'll start by welcoming you to the other amazing women inside the mastermind and then Angela will personally audit your business to uncover what's working and what's not. Together you'll craft your yearly, quarterly and monthly goals to get the clarity you need to ensure you kick ass for the year!

Ready to start the process?

Alethea Tuitahi - CloudXS

Ange's support has been amazing in the Action Takers Mastermind. It's helped me get clear on my business, let go of things that weren't working and focus on things that are. I'm seeing my revenue grow month on month even during a pandemic! The other ladies in the group are also a great support and it's nice to know they have your back when things get tough or you have a down day. Highly recommend Ange and the mastermind!

Alethea Tuitahi - CloudXS

There’s one more thing I want to tell you before you go…

The fact you’re still here tells me you take your business seriously.

  • You show up — every single day.

  • You actively look for answers.

  • You take responsibility for your success.

And that’s why you’ve been able to get to this point.
That’s why you’ve been able to move your business forward.

And it’s also why you’d be a great fit for Action Takers — both in terms of what you’d add to the group and what you’d get out of the experience.

You can keep going it alone, of course. Both decisions are totally valid!

But only one of them cuts that learning curve in half… and helps grow your business to the next level with a mix of community, accountability, and 1:1 support you won’t find anywhere else.

Ready to take the shortcut?

Abbey Jones - BabyEd Australia

A month ago I joined the Action Takers Mastermind with Ange. Having only been in business for 6 months I was initially excited yet apprehensive at what it had to offer and whether or not I could keep up. After less than a month into this mastermind I have found myself surrounded by an incredibly supportive group of women and am setup for upcoming five figure month. I completely attribute this to the ongoing support and encouragement of our mastermind team and in particular Ange herself who goes above and beyond for us all. I feel supported , I feel inspired and I know that joining the Action Takers Mastermind is the best business decision I have made to date. I couldn’t recommend this any more highly.

Abbey Jones - BabyEd Australia


This is the first mastermind I’m thinking of joining… am I still a good fit?

I too thought this the first time I went to apply for a mastermind. In fact, I was shitting myself because I felt like I wasn't long enough in business to apply. That I wasn't smart enough. That I wasn't the right fit. If you have a business, that is bringing in money, you're a positive person, with a growth mindset - then I strongly encourage you to apply. Once you apply, you'll hop on a call together so that we both get the chance to connect, but equally for me to better understand your business - which will allow me to make sure the mastermind is what you need to help with your business growth.

Do I have to be earning 6-figures to apply?

Not exactly, but 6 figure income is a ballpark income for mastermind businesses, as this mastermind is about uplevelling your business to take it to the next level.
Every business is different and each business will bring their own magic to the mastermind. My aim [like I have with other masterminds I've successfully ran] is to bring a group of like-minded business owners together in order to ensure they have access to the tools, resources, strategy and community they need to move their business forward. If you have a business, that is bringing in money, you're a positive person, with a growth mindset - then I strongly encourage you to apply.

What is a hot seat?

A hot seat is where you get the opportunity to address a question or problem you have specifically related to your business with the group and me. Together we'll brainstorm to help provide solutions so that you can get the clarity and strategy you need to move your business forward. You will find that you’ll get more ideas and insights than you can generate on your own.

When’s the live event? And what if I can't make it?

Each year 2 live events are held which you have the option to join as part of the program to connect further with other Action Takers.
Location and dates vary for these events. In 2023, these will be held on Gold Coast in March, and Bali in October (pending Covid travel restrictions).

What happens after I book a discovery call?

After you book your discovery call, you'll then hop on a discovery call so that we both have the chance to connect and to make sure the mastermind is the right support for your business. If the mastermind is the right for your business, you will then get your contract and invoice so we can get you into the mastermind asap.

How much does it cost?

This amazing business mastermind is $1500 per month + GST.

I’ve got another question…

If you have any other questions that I didn't answer above, please just send me an email to and I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.

Ready to secure one of the spots?