Accelerate your business success in one game-changing coaching day

								Angela Henderson is a small business coach in Brisbane

A VIP Coaching Day to fast track the next level version of you and your biz

When you’re a small business owner, you and your business are essentially one in the same. I know to get your business to the next stage, you’re going to have to work on not just uplevelling your business, but also becoming the business leader you need to be moving forward.

But how do you do that?

How does six months of business coaching power-packed into one kickass day sound?

A VIP intensive coaching day with me will give you the push you need to transform into the CEO your business needs to thrive.

Why invest in a VIP intensive coaching day?

This day is designed specifically for women in business who are looking for an intensive experience that will accelerate their success both personally and professionally.

Clients who engage in a VIP intensive day make changes in their business that might’ve otherwise taken them months or years to get too alone – or maybe would’ve never occurred at all.

That’s the beauty of a VIP intensive with me. It’s super powerful and will allow you to move much faster towards your business and lifestyle goals.

My VIP intensive day coaching allows you to step aside from the day-to-day running of your business, to allow you a full day or half-day with an international award-winning business consultant. One who can bring clarity and focus to move you and your business forward.

Is the VIP intensive day what I need?

To put it simply, there’s no cookie-cutter approach to my VIP coaching day because this day is designed around you and what your business needs.

If you’re ready to put your head down, bum up and put in the hard work then this is for you. All you need to do is show up with a positive attitude and an open mind.

Some of the things I can work with clients on during a VIP coaching day include:

  • Business planning
  • Create your marketing plan
  • Develop a lucrative email list magnet-freebie + follow up
  • Social media strategy and plan
  • Develop multiple streams of income
  • Work together on your message
  • Identify you ideal client
  • Develop more visibility online
  • Product or program launch strategies
  • Create a signature product or program
  • Develop a client-attracting web presence
  • Productivity, systems & teams support

Benefits of attending VIP intensive day with a business consultant

										Angela Henderson's Authenticity

A fresh and authentic perspective

One of the best parts about the VIP intensive day coaching is that you’ll receive a fresh perspective. Small business owners are often so close to their business that they battle to take a step back and see things from the outside.

Having someone with a fresh perspective can help you uncover new possibilities. Authenticity is my number one value as your business coach. To tell you the truth, sometimes I can be a little too honest. But this is because trust and transparency are the best places to start when it comes to building solid working relationships.

										Angela Henderson's Empowerment

Strategic Direction

Strategic direction is something we all get stuck with from time to time. We can find ourselves not knowing what to focus our attention on next or even how to start. In a VIP intensive day, I’ll help you to build a framework where we’ll turn your ideas into goals.

We’ll then create strategies by mapping out your goals, setting timeline and outlining all the practical details. Together we’ll get you on track to smashing all your small business goals.

										Angela Henderson gets business growth


As small business owners we can all reach stages of uncertainty, difficulty and confusion. These patches can be experienced across any stage of owning a business.

During your VIP intensive I’ll help you identify your pain points and battles within your business. Together we’ll go over the best ways to resolve any of your struggles. I’ll be there to support and guide you, helping you to achieve greater clarity, so you can move forward with your business.

										Angela Henderson's small business community


In business it’s all about who you know and the relationships you make. I’m lucky to have made plenty of them throughout the years. So when you work with me, if I know someone who can help you get to where you need to go, I will be sure to introduce you.

										Angela Henderson gets business results


What’s the point in attending a VIP intensive day if you don’t see any results? There is no point.

Once you have completed your VIP coaching day you can be sure to see results. Not small fluffy results either but results that you can see clear as day.

										Angela Henderson gets business growth


No matter what point you have gotten to in your business journey, I’ll help you get to the next step. Helping you to level up in your business while also maintaining or reclaiming your life. That’s right, you’ll have more time for doing the things you love with the people you love.

										Fun in business coaching


Being a woman in business is tough and I understand that firsthand. So when you work with me, we’ll work hard, but that won’t stop us from having fun along the way. There’s nothing I love more than a good belly laugh.

										Angela Henderson gets business results


One of the biggest things standing in the way of women’s success is confidence. It makes total sense too. Going into business can be scary and even more so if it’s your first time.

During your VIP coaching day, I’ll help you gain the confidence you need to take control of your business. You’ll learn how to own everything that comes your way and by the time we’re finished you’re not going to need my help anymore.

Are you ready to get started?

If you’re interested in a VIP Intensive Coaching Day, please get in touch or sign up for a complimentary 30-minute discovery call. Together, we’ll make it happen.


Business Success Model

In the last ten years, I’ve managed to build 2 thriving and successful businesses. To be honest with you, I’ve been through more than my fair share of ups and downs along the way. Speaking from experience, I know how tough things can get.

But thanks to the journey I’ve been on, I’ve discovered key ingredients that are crucial to growing a successful business. It’s these ingredients that have led me to creating my business success model. This model has proven successful with my own clients to help them build profitable and sustainable businesses. My small business success model is:

								Angela Henderson's Small Business success model

Benefits of working with me

I’m often asked by prospective clients what the benefits are of working with me. And instead of making assumptions, I survey my current and past clients to hear what it is they get out of working with me.

I’ve put together 6 of the key benefits that repeatedly come back to me:

											Angela henderson benefits of working with me

Are you ready to get started?

If you’re interested in a VIP Intensive Coaching Day, please get in touch or sign up for a complimentary 30-minute discovery call. Together, we’ll make it happen.

